Ms. Hannah H. (Cleveland)

Birthday: May 27th

Hometown: Lexington, Kentucky

Other languages: beginner Spanish, beginner Italian, beginner German

Favorite Crayola color: Caribbean Green

Background: I studied Vocal Performance at Florida State University, earning minors in biology, chemistry, and psychology while fulfilling the pre-medical requirements. I have loved working with children for as long as I can remember. I began nannying for a family of three back home in Kentucky, at the age of thirteen. Then in high school, I volunteered at the University of Kentucky Children's Hospital. One summer, I volunteered at the Saint Joseph Hospital NICU and received training on the care and handling of neonatal babies. In Tallahassee, I have volunteered at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, Big Bend Hospice, and Progressive Pediatrics. I have also served as a counselor and substitute music therapist for Progressive Pediatric's summer camp. Since COVID-19, I have helped organize projects to donate arts supplies to children participating in non-traditional instruction.

I have worked with children who have ADD/ADHD, behavioral issues, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, food allergies, and learning disabilities.

She’s cared for children as young as: 2 weeks old

Future plans: I hope to get into medical school and eventually become a pediatric oncologist and one day have some wonderful kiddos of my own!

When she's not babysitting: I am a huge nerd. I am always working on homework or learning something new. I am the National Projects Manager for a nonprofit called heARTS Incorporated, so I'm always busy with a project for that. I love being outside, so I often will go kayaking or hiking in my free time. Picking up a book, most often about becoming a physician, and sitting in the hammock is my favorite form of relaxation. Also being a vocal performance major, I can always be found practicing my new opera repertoire or musical theatre! 

Defining quote: "Who's to say that I'm not wonderfully made?" - song lyric from “Hands and Feet” by Ecclesia